What Child Is This?

First let me give most of the credit for this post to the original blog where I found it:  http://morselsofbread.net/2013/12/25/what-child-is-this/ I will leave most of the original post in tact, while adding some of my own content and editorial thoughts, but the original blog post was insightfully written and appreciated. Luke 2: 8-19 (KJV) And there were…

After death, who will you be? Is this about Heaven or Hell, or more about the “who?”

  What I wish to present is referred to as the Law of Restoration in conjunction with the question of “who will i be in eternity?”  I studied this last week, and over the course of the past few days, through additional study and prayer, I have begun to understand the profound simplicity, beauty and…

If the “rock” = Opposition, then Opposition = Agency – what is Agency and why is it important?

My last post was an illustration of the opposition we often face in our lives and that the requirement of us, from the Lord, is to continue to push through that opposition – not only though we are lacking an understanding of “why,” but perhaps BECAUSE at times we lack such an understanding, that we might…

The Book of Mormon, the Gathering of Israel, and the Second Coming

I have decided to share this article because I believe that all pure hearted Christians recognize the prophecies and relevant importance of the “gathering of Israel.”   I also believe that for many, while the phrase is familiar, and they may sense that there is an associated importance to the promises made to Abraham, that…

Becoming Perfect in Christ; Without feeling the burden of perfection

This is an article from the July 2014 Ensign, of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I am posting this because there are some very important truths taught within.  Many of which I have bolded.  But I would preface this post with my personal testimony that the healing power of the Atonement of Jesus…